Integrating Time-Series ET Mapping into an Operational Irrigation Management Framework

Project Brief

With evidence from recent studies that the region is witnessing the worst drought in several hundred years, water use management is a key concern for Lebanon and quantification of water requirements is important to the agricultural sector of the country. In regions where water availability is an increasingly limiting factor, solutions must include increasing water use efficiency in crop production and moving toward more sustainable and climate-resilient agri-ecosystems.

Our project aims at fusing information from multiple remote sensing missions covering a range of spatial and temporal resolutions. We  synthesize information and produce water use data approximating the required level of detail. We also aim at making this data available to end-users by developing an online platform and a smartphone application. The ultimate goal in this project is to map daily water use, daily vegetation indices, and eventually yield and water productivity in the context of a field-scale agricultural monitoring system for improved water management.


› IHE Delft
› Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands




Evapotranspiration, Remote Sensing

Project goals

Provide field-scale water use for the public

Guide farmers to improve irrigation at the field level

Provide a tool for managing water deliveries and allocations at the district level

Develop a smart-phone application available to the public for accessing the generated ET data

Widely disseminate the application via conducting training for stakeholders


Thematic Areas

Efficient water management, particularly in the agricultural sector

Geographic Area

The country of Lebanon, with focus on Orontes and Litani Basins

Jaafar, H. H., & Ahmad, F. A. (2020). Time series trends of Landsat-based ET using automated calibration in METRIC and SEBAL: The Bekaa Valley, Lebanon. Remote Sensing of Environment238, 111034.

Annual ET for the 1984–2016 years over the Bekaa Valley generated using the modified METRIC model with automated anchor pixel selection 

Generated data & tools

› A mobile application in development for the WAPOR  database


› Daily high resolution ET maps for 2015-2016 for Lebanon, fusing multiple satellite imagery

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Project Lead

The project is led by the Principal Investigator, Dr. Hadi Jaafar, an Associate Professor of Irrigation Engineering and Water Management.

Dr. Jaafar specializes in water resources and GIS and remote sensing applications in smart irrigation and food security. His research work appears in journals like Nature’s Scientific Data, Remote Sensing of the Environment, Journal of Hydrology, Agricultural Water Management, Food Policy, among many others.

our donors


This research project is supported by the Programmatic Cooperation between the Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS) of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and IHE Delft in the period 2016 – 2020, also called DUPC2.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Netherlands is the channel through which the Dutch Government communicates with foreign governments and international organisations.

IHE Delft Institute for Water Education is the largest international graduate water education facility in the world and is based in Delft, the Netherlands. The Institute confers fully accredited MSc degrees, and PhD degrees in collaboration with partner universities.



This project plans to develop, test, and demonstrate the institutional and technical feasibility of a variety of adaption strategies to address water scarcity under climate change.


This project aims to prototype methods for routine production of high spatiotemporal resolution evapotranspiration (ET), vegetation index (VI) and derived phenology and yield products using a multi-sensor data fusion approach.