Completed Projects

› Seeds for Recovery: The Long-Term Impacts of a Complex Agricultural Intervention on Welfare, Behaviour and Stability in Syria

2020-2023 | Funded by CEDIL – Centre of Excellence for Development Impact and Learning

› ITSET: Integrating Time Series ET Mapping into Operational Irrigation Management Framework

2018-2021 | Funded by IHE-Delft

The project aims at fusing information from multiple remote sensing missions covering a range of spatial and temporal resolutions. It synthesizes information and produces water use data approximating the required level of detail. The ultimate goal in this project is to map daily water use, daily vegetation indices, and eventually yield and water productivity in the context of a field-scale agricultural monitoring system for improved water management.

› MusLI: Characterizing Field-Scale Water Use, Phenology and Productivity in Agricultural Landscapes using Multi-Sensor Data Fusion

2018-2021 | Funded by NASA-USDA

High spatiotemporal resolution remote sensing products for monitoring crop development and water usage over global agricultural landscapes will significantly benefit efforts to meet increasing water and food demands.  Because no single satellite platform currently provides the spatial, temporal, and spectral coverage required to generate these products, space-borne assets must be combined to provide actionable information at field scales.

This project aims to prototype methods for routine production of high spatiotemporal resolution evapotranspiration (ET), vegetation index (VI) and derived phenology and yield products using a multi-sensor data fusion approach. This approach fuses moderate resolution, near-daily retrievals of ET and surface reflectance (SR) from low-resolution sensors thermal sensors with periodic finer scale thermal spectral data from medium and high-resolution sensors.  Validation will be conducted using ground-based observations of ET, phenology and yield over highly managed agricultural systems in Lebanon, the U.S., Brazil, and Czech Republic.

› Assessing the water – energy nexus in the Beqaa Valley in Lebanon by estimating groundwater depletion using remote sensing

2018-2020 | Funded by MASRI Institute-AUB

› Climate change impacts on crop suitability, yield, and water requirements in the Levant

2018-2020 | Funded by URB-AUB

› Modeling daily greenhouse reference evapotranspiration under ventilated and unventilated conditions from outdoor climate

2016-2018 | Funded by URB-AUB

› Modeling response of groundwater levels to increased irrigation in the Qaa using NASA’s GRACE data

2016-2017 | Funded by ICARDA-USAID

› Mapping Evapotranspiration in Lebanon using Landsat Imagery (2006-2016)

2015-2017 | Funded by LCNRS

› Response of Lebanese marjoram (Origanum Syriacum) to irrigation and nitrogen treatments and development of its Crop coefficients using a machine-to-machine irrigation system

2015-2016 | Funded by URB-AUB

› Feasibility of groundwater recharge in the upper Orontes Basin for improving rural livelihoods

2015-2016 | Funded by ICARDA-USAID

› A Landsat Based-Remote Sensing Model for Monitoring Effects of Conflicts on Agriculture: The Case Study of Orontes Basin, Syria

2014-2015 | Funded by URB-AUB

› A Method for Studying Feasibility and Prioritization of Construction of Small and Medium Dams in Arid Environments

2014-2015 | Funded by MASRI Institute-AUB

› Simulating daily runoff from storms within the Orontes River Basin for Water Collection and Groundwater recharge

2014| Funded by ICARDA-USAID

› Effect of mulch on water use of sprinkler irrigated potato

2013-2014| Funded by ICARDA-USAID

› Operational Policies for Multi-Objective Reservoirs: The Case Study of Qarawn

2013-2014| Funded by URB-AUB

› Modeling NDVI and Fraction of Vegetation Cover in Qaa

2013-2014| Funded by ICARDA-USAID