AgHive implements its TALANOA-WATER Serious Game for Stakeholder Engagement within its National Scientific Workshop in Beirut, Lebanon
Bridging Waters in the Bekaa: Stakeholder Engagement through TALANOA and TRANSCEND Serious Gaming
The Department of Agriculture – AgHive, chaired by Dr. Hadi Jaafar was honoured to organize the National Scientific Workshop for stakeholders “Bridging Waters in the Bekaa: Stakeholder Engagement through TALANOA and TRANSCEND Serious Gaming”, within the framework of TALANOA-WATER and TRANSCEND, on April 18, 2024, in Beirut, Lebanon.
Serious games are revolutionizing policymaking by providing a dynamic platform for stakeholders to engage, strategize, and explore complex issues in a simulated environment.

Stakeholders from the Ministry of Agriculture, UNFAO, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), Litani River Authority, WeWorld Lebanon, Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI), farming sector, academia, and policy advisory, gathered to discuss and implement an innovative card-based serious game aimed at informing policy-making decisions in the Bekaa Valley.

Participants engaged in discussions and simulations, facilitated by organizers Dr. Hadi Jaafar and Ms. Rim Hazimeh, focusing on pressing issues within the Litani and Orontes basins and exploring actionable solutions. Dr. Hadi Jaafar commenced the workshop by providing an overview of the TALANOA-WATER and TRANSCEND projects concerning the Bekaa Valley and the two basins under study. Participants were encouraged to share their experiences to promote effective strategies benefiting society, the economy, and the environment. Dr. Javier Sierra Pierna, an expert in Development Economics from the University of Salamanca, emphasized the importance of serious games like TALANOA-WATER. He showcased various applications and their pivotal role in tackling basin-related challenges through participatory approaches in decision-making.
The implementation of the serious game by Ms. Rim Hazimeh included simulation rounds, where stakeholders were divided into groups representing the River Basin Authority, the Ministry of Agriculture, and local farmers. Each round presented new challenges, including fluctuations in water availability and market demand.
Participants engaged in strategic decision-making, considering factors such as crop selection, water usage, and collaborative efforts among farmers and authorities. Feedback and negotiations delved into policy implications and real-world applications. Participants reflected on their strategies and shared insights on optimizing resource utilization, promoting crop diversity, and addressing environmental concerns.

Presentations by Dr. Hadi Jaafar and Ms. Lara Sujud further enriched the workshop, offering insights into the value of irrigation water in the Bekaa Valley and the impact of climate change on water resources in the Orontes basin. A demonstration of the smart irrigation application AgSAT, funded by Google, provided a practical application into how the application can be used by farmers and stakeholders.
The workshop underscored the collaborative efforts of organizers and participants and exemplified a shared commitment to addressing water challenges in the Bekaa Valley.