AgSAT Takes Center Stage: LBCI News Highlights Groundbreaking Innovation in Agriculture
Empowering Farmers Worldwide to Combat Climate-Water Challenges using AgSAT
In a recent segment titled “In Lebanon, as well as the world, drought is on the verge” aired on LBCI News on January 2, 2024, AgSAT took center stage. Dr. Hadi Jaafar, the mastermind behind this groundbreaking innovation, shed light on the world’s first mobile application that is reshaping agriculture by optimizing food production.
AgSAT is a smart irrigation mobile and web application that calculates crop water requirements in near-real time based on satellite imagery and weather data. It can be used by farmers anywhere in the world at the field scale.

At its core, AgSAT calculates and forecasts crop water requirements in near real-time, leveraging cutting-edge remote sensing technology. Dr. Jaafar emphasized AgSAT’s role in calculating and forecasting crop water requirements in near real-time, equipping farmers and water managers worldwide with invaluable insights to combat the challenges posed by climate change and water scarcity.
The segment featured a testimonial from a farmer in Baalbak, who attested to the benefits of AgSAT in irrigation. By eliminating guesswork from irrigation practices and providing data-driven recommendations, AgSAT empowers farmers to irrigate with precision, boosting crop yields and conserving water resources. This endorsement highlights AgSAT’s ability to revolutionize traditional farming methods, steering agriculture towards a more sustainable and efficient future.
With its intuitive interface and powerful capabilities, AgSAT is not just a tool but a catalyst for positive change in the agricultural water management.