Dr. Hadi Jaafar presents on the Orontes River Basin in Lebanon, Syria and Turkey at the TRANSCEND Kick-Off Meeting in Salamanca, Spain
The kick-off meeting of TRANSCEND took place in Salamanca, Spain on February 15 and 16, 2023 and involved partners from 10 countries with activities in 7 international labs across 11 countries.
Dr. Hadi Jaafar, Principal Investigator at AUB, presented at the kick-off meeting of the TRANSCEND project on the Orontes River Basin in Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey. The meeting was held on February 15 and 16, 2023 in Salamanca, Spain.
The kick-off meeting was comprised of presentations by the lab coordinators on the pressures and management challenges of each lab, assessment and update of the TAP, and potential collaborations with other labs. The four pillars of the project are: 1) Knowledge Networks, 2) Actionable Modeling Suite, 3) Monitoring and Accounting Toolbox, 4) The Living Labs.
TRANSCEND – Transformational and Robust AdaptatioN to water Scarcity and ClimatE chaNge under Deep uncertainty – is a project funded by HORIZON Innovation Actions whose main area of research is the identification of Transformational Adaptation Policies (TAP) to water scarcity. TRANSCEND will leverage this diverse set of demonstrators to initiate adoption of the ecosystem of innovation in 8+ inspiration labs, train 160+ transformation agents, and mainstream uncertainty analysis in key national and European Green Deal strategies.

The TRANSCEND Project kick-off meeting served to formally meet the members of the partners’ teams; initiate the project management bodies; create a common understanding of the objectives and methods and of the roles and tasks of each partner; establish effective collaborative dynamics; and set the tone for the rest of the project events, and workflow.
TRANSCEND’s main area of research is the identification of Transformational Adaptation Policies (TAP) to water scarcity. TAP will be implemented in 7 labs: Júcar River Basin (RB) (Spain); Reno RB (Italy); Tympaki RB (Greece); Nitra RB (Slovakia); Caplina-Mauri-Desaguadero RB (Peru, Chile & Bolivia); Orontes RB (Lebanon, Syria & Turkey); and Mahanadi RB (Indian states of Chhattisgarh & Odisha). TRANSCEND will leverage this diverse set of demonstrators to initiate adoption of the ecosystem of innovation in 8+ inspiration labs, train 160+ transformation agents, and mainstream uncertainty analysis in key national and European Green Deal strategies. This will provide the knowledge and tools to catalyze robust and systemic transformations to water scarcity and climate change globally, with a clear impact pathway towards TAP adoption in 100+ basins by 2030.