Revolutionizing Smart Irrigation with AgSAT Story Map featured in SDGs Today Collection

ITSET -IHE Delft- and SIML Projects



September 2, 2021

Under SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, Revolutionizing Smart Irrigation with AgSAT story map was featured in SDGs Today storytelling collection. SDGs Today highlights real-time and timely data on the SDGs and offers education resources to support countries and institutions in engaging with the data to help ensure that the global goals are met by 2030.

Through an integrated storytelling approach, Dr. Hadi Jaafar and research assistant Rim Hazimeh published a new story map drawing attention to the significance of increasing water use efficiency in crop production. As part of the Esri ArcGIS StoryMaps community, the team explained how smart irrigation may provide a great opportunity for combatting water scarcity and mitigating the impact of climate change on the region’s dwindling water resources.

To bridge the gap existing between research and development applications at the farm level, ITSET and SIML come into play and pave the way for a multidimensional evidence-based approach in efficient water management.

Embedded Story Map: Revolutionizing Smart Irrigation with AgSAT 

The story map was featured in SDGs Today storytelling hub under SDG 6 collection: Clean Water and Sanitation.

Story maps provide a new avenue to showcase scientific evidence-based projects, while integrating available, open-access GIS data. With ease of sharing via social media and ability to embed within websites, story maps serve as a versatile location-based storytelling tool for public engagement. Story maps use GIS tools (Geographic Information System) to combine geospatial data with text, photos, videos, and audios to visualize sequential events for nontechnical audiences with no prior experience with GIS software. 

Photo Credit: Peggy Choucair

AgSAT is an irrigation change agent that aids in building resilience and effective planning by building on farmers’ adaptive capacities to improve their agricultural production and livelihood. The application brings irrigation technology to the farmer’s phone on both Android and iOS, and is already being used in more than 50 countries across five continents.

Empowering Farmers of the Future

Being the product of a scientific environment with a solid research foundation and implemented in a fully educational context, AgSAT is a tool that prepares youth – the farmers of the future – to inquisitively engage in agriculture.