Dr. Hadi Jaafar presents at the PERN Cyberseminar
Under the theme: Refugee and internally displaced populations, environmental impacts and climate risks
Dr. Hadi Jaafar was invited as a panelist to submit a position paper and present at the PERN Cyberseminar on May 10, 2021.
With scholars and practitioners from around the world and considering a range of case studies, the cyberseminar will examine the interplay between refugees, the local environment, and climate change against the broader social and political contexts that frame these relationships.
This cyberseminar, which will be held from May 10, 2021 to May 18, 2021, will advance the collective understanding and shared perspectives on refugee population-environment relationships in a changing climate.
Associate Professor Hadi Jaafar at the American University of Beirut is an invited panelist to submit a position paper at the PERN Cyberseminar. Dr. Jaafar will present his work on May 10 on Geospatial Environmental Assessment of Refugees’ vulnerability and impact on the water-energy-food-health climate nexus: Examples from the Syria – Lebanon case.
The cyberseminar will focus on new perspectives and innovative methodological approaches from geography, remote sensing, economics, disaster studies, and development studies that shed light on the environmental and climatic challenges faced by refugees, as well as impacts of camps on the local environment, and will offer potential solutions for addressing these challenges. The event also combines field-tested approaches and analyses with nation-wide Big Data studies to offer a diversity of perspectives across geographic scales and regions.
The complete abstract can be accessed here. The cyberseminar is organized by: Jamon Van Den Hoek (Oregon State U.), David Wrathall (Oregon State U.), Susana Adamo (CIESIN, Columbia U.), and Alex de Sherbinin (CIESIN, Columbia U.)
PERN‘s mission is to facilitate scientific analysis and dialogue about population-environment relationships. It is an Internet-based network that is open and free to all who are interested in population-environment research. The Population-Environment Research Network was launched in 2001 by the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). PERN is a scientific panel of IUSSP and is a sustained partner of Future Earth, a global research platform to accelerate our transformations to a sustainable world. PERN receives in-kind support from the NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC), managed by the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) at Columbia University, which hosts the website.