A mobile application to map water-use and agricultural productivity in the region
The application allows users to monitor evapotranspiration, agricultural water productivity, and biomass at various scales (field, watershed).

AgHive announces the development of AgSAT, the first mobile application in the world that optimizes food production by calculating and forecasting crop water requirements in near real time by using remote sensing technology.
The mobile app was developed as part of the IHE-Delft funded ITSET project: Integrating time-series ET mapping into an operational irrigation management framework.

With less water availability, and more threats on food security, AgSAT will help farmers make the most out of their resources and apply irrigation where it is most needed.
The app utilizes FAO WaPOR databases and allows users to select the required variable for a given geographic location (for example evapotranspiration, rainfall, crop water use, crop biomass, crop water productivity), for a defined time interval (decadal, monthly, or annual) for 2014-2018.